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✔ Apa Itu Md5 Hash ?

Pertama tama ada yang tau MD5 itu apa.? Kalau nggak tau aku akan menawarkan klarifikasi terlebih dahulu perihal apa itu MD5, walaupu ambinya di Wikipedia Sih :D

Dalam kriptografi, MD5 (Message-Digest algortihm 5) yaitu fungsi hash kriptografik yang dipakai secara luas dengan hash value 128-bit. Pada standart Internet (RFC 1321), MD5 telah dimanfaatkan secara majemuk pada aplikasi keamanan, dan MD5 juga umum dipakai untuk melaksanakan pengujian integritas sebuah berkas.
MD5 di desain oleh Ronald Rivest pada tahun 1991 untuk menggantikan hash function sebelumnya, MD4. Pada tahun 1996, sebuah keganjilan ditemukan dalam desainnya, walau bukan kelemahan fatal, pengguna kriptografi mulai menganjurkan memakai algoritma lain, ibarat SHA-1 (klaim terbaru menyatakan bahwa SHA-1 juga cacat). Pada tahun 2004, kecacatan-kecacatan yang lebih serius ditemukan menyebabkan penggunaan algoritma tersebut dalam tujuan untuk keamanan jadi makin dipertanyakan.

Hash MD5
Hash-hash MD5 sepanjang 128-bit (16-byte), yang dikenal juga sebagai ringkasan pesan, secara tipikal ditampilkan dalam bilangan heksadesimal 32-digit. Berikut ini merupakan pola pesanASCII sepanjang 43-byte sebagai masukan dan hash MD5 terkait:

MD5("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") = 9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6

Bahkan perubahan yang kecil pada pesan akan (dengan probabilitas lebih) menghasilkan hash yang benar-benar berbeda, contohnya pada kata "dog", aksara d diganti menjadi c:

MD5("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cog") = 1055d3e698d289f2af8663725127bd4b

Hash dari panjang-nol ialah:
MD5("") = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
OK aku anggap kalian mitra kawan sudah tau MD5 itu apa :D

pengenealan Semua jenis MD5:
Example: IvS7aeT4NzQPM
Used in Linux and other similar OS.
Length: 13 characters.
Description: The first two characters are the salt (random characters; in our example the salt is the string "Iv"Wink, then there follows the actual hash.

Domain Cached Credentials
Example: Admin:b474d48cdfc4974d86ef4d24904cdd91
Used for caching passwords of Windows domain.
Length: 16 bytes.
Algorithm: MD4(MD4(Unicode($pass)).Unicode(strtolower($username)))

Example: $1$12345678$XM4P3PrKBgKNnTaqG9P0T/
Used in Linux and other similar OS.
Length: 34 characters.
Description: The hash begins with the $1$ signature, then there goes the salt (up to 8 random characters; in our example the salt is the string "12345678"Wink, then there goes one more $ character, followed by the actual hash.
Algorithm: Actually that is a loop calling the MD5 algorithm 2000 times.

Example: $apr1$12345678$auQSX8Mvzt.tdBi4y6Xgj.
Used in Linux and other similar OS.
Length: 37 characters.
Description: The hash begins with the $apr1$ signature, then there goes the salt (up to 8 random characters; in our example the salt is the string "12345678"Wink, then there goes one more $ character, followed by the actual hash.
Algorithm: Actually that is a loop calling the MD5 algorithm 2000 times.

Example: $H$9123456785DAERgALpsri.D9z3ht120
Used in phpBB 3.x.x.
Length: 34 characters.
Description: The hash begins with the $H$ signature, then there goes one character (most often the number '9'Wink, then there goes the salt (8 random characters; in our example the salt is the string "12345678"Wink, followed by the actual hash.
Algorithm: Actually that is a loop calling the MD5 algorithm 2048 times.

Example: $P$B123456780BhGFYSlUqGyE6ErKErL01
Used in Wordpress.
Length: 34 characters.
Description: The hash begins with the $P$ signature, then there goes one character (most often the number 'B'Wink, then there goes the salt (8 random characters; in our example the salt is the string "12345678"Wink, followed by the actual hash.
Algorithm: Actually that is a loop calling the MD5 algorithm 8192 times.

Example: 606717496665bcba
Used in the old versions of MySQL.
Length: 8 bytes.
Description: The hash consists of two DWORDs, each not exceeding the value of 0x7fffffff.

Example: *E6CC90B878B948C35E92B003C792C46C58C4AF40
Used in the new versions of MySQL.
Length: 20 bytes.
Algorithm: SHA-1(SHA-1($pass))
Note: The hashes are to be loaded to the jadwal without the asterisk that stands in the beginning of each hash.

RAdmin v2.x
Example: 5e32cceaafed5cc80866737dfb212d7f
Used in the application Remote Administrator v2.x.
Length: 16 bytes.
Algorithm: The password is padded with zeros to the length of 100 bytes, then that entire string is hashed with the MD5 algorithm.

Example: c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b
Used in phpBB v2.x, Joomla version below 1.0.13 and many other forums and CMS.
Length: 16 bytes.
Algorithm: Same as the md5() function in PHP.

Example: 6f04f0d75f6870858bae14ac0b6d9f73:1234
Used in WB News, Joomla version 1.0.13 and higher.
Length: 16 bytes.

Example: f190ce9ac8445d249747cab7be43f7d5:12
Used in osCommerce, AEF, Gallery and other CMS.
Length: 16 bytes.

Example: 28c8edde3d61a0411511d3b1866f0636
Used in e107, DLE, AVE, Diferior, Koobi and other CMS.
Length: 16 bytes.

Example: 6011527690eddca23580955c216b1fd2:wQ6
Used in vBulletin, IceBB.
Length: 16 bytes.

Example: 81f87275dd805aa018df8befe09fe9f8:wH6_S
Used in IPB.
Length: 16 bytes.

Example: 816a14db44578f516cbaef25bd8d8296:1234
Used in MyBB.
Length: 16 bytes.

Example: a3bc9e11fddf4fef4deea11e33668eab:1234
Used in TBDev.
Length: 16 bytes.

Example: 1d715e52285e5a6b546e442792652c8a:1234
Used in DLP.
Length: 16 bytes.

Example: 356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab
Used in many forums and CMS.
Length: 20 bytes.
Algorithm: Same as the sha1() function in PHP.

Example: Admin:6c7ca345f63f835cb353ff15bd6c5e052ec08e7a
Used in SMF.
Length: 20 bytes.

Example: cd37bfbf68d198d11d39a67158c0c9cddf34573b:1234
Used in Woltlab BB.
Length: 20 bytes.

Example: $5$12345678$jBWLgeYZbSvREnuBr5s3gp13vqiKSNK1rkTk9zYE1v0
Used in Linux and other similar OS.
Length: 55 characters.
Description: The hash begins with the $5$ signature, then there goes the salt (up to 8 random characters; in our example the salt is the string "12345678"Wink, then there goes one more $ character, followed by the actual hash.
Algorithm: Actually that is a loop calling the SHA-256 algorithm 5000 times.

Example: $6$12345678$U6Yv5E1lWn6mEESzKen42o6rbEmFNLlq6Ik9X3reMXY3doKEuxrcDohKUx0Oxf44aeTI​xGEjssvtT1aKyZHjs
Used in Linux and other similar OS.
Length: 98 characters.
Description: The hash begins with the $6$ signature, then there goes the salt (up to 8 random characters; in our example the salt is the string "12345678"Wink, then there goes one more $ character, followed by the actual hash.
Algorithm: Actually that is a loop calling the SHA-512 algorithm 5000 times.


Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 / Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 / Windows 7
Hash type: NTLM
Example: 9f4df2fecd29d92e2e1a989541cf1bdf

Mandriva Linux(2010)
Hash type: Blowfish(OpenBSD)

Ubuntu Linux(10.10) / Backtrack(4)
Hash type: SHA-512(Unix)

Debian Linux(5.*)
Hash type: MD5(Unix)

Hash type: Blowfish(OpenBSD)

RedHat Enterprise Linux(5) / CentOS(5)
Hash type: MD5(Unix)

Hash type: SHA-512(Unix)

Hash type: SHA-256(Unix)

HP-UX(11i v3)
Hash type: SHA-512(Unix)

HP-UX(старые версииWink
Hash type: DES(Unix)

IBM AIX(6.1)
Hash type: SSHA-1
Example: {ssha1}06$JcBuCWY2GaHrLwc0$JXfeozdbk9dAVxj8xpxpqCZT..N

Gentoo Linux(10)
Hash type: MD5(Unix)

Slackware Linux(13)
Hash type: MD5(Unix)

MacOS X(10.4+)
Hash type: Salted SHA-1
Example: 33BA7C74C318F5D3EF40EB25E1C42F312ACF905E20540226 ("33BA7C74" is salt in the hexadecimal format)

MacOS X(<=10.2) Hash type: DES(Unix) FreeBSD([0-9]) Hash type: MD5(Unix) OpenBSD(*) Hash type: Blowfish(OpenBSD) NetBSD(*) Hash type: DES(Unix), MD5(Unix), Blowfish(OpenBSD) or SHA-1(Unix) Arch Linux(2010) Hash type: MD5(Unix), SHA-256(Unix) or SHA-512(Unix) Examples: DES(Unix): 7rpABVh3LoKjE MD5(Unix): $1$FSh3ps5T$Etg/3eGiSBqdGahf29lIN1 SHA1(Unix): $sha1$21773$uV7PTeux$I9oHnvwPZHMO0Nq6/WgyGV/tDJIH Blowfish(OpenBSD): $2a$04$3/vwv4ibdVz2SUG3w.SRwOgI6kk7FUmmCVswZ/KUS9bngvgGEkqNq SHA-256(Unix): $5$12345678$5B8vYYiY.CVt1RlTTf8KbXBH3hsxY/GNooZaBBGWEc5 SHA-512(Unix): $6$FFH2inEE$bDig7qKFq0m3wZY6BahqWjTzmcFma9rAfPPocCvyXKyGqrErw5s1daWDotarbiUk76Sb​8NO/ZhJ8WzeM6RW.q0 Source : insidepro.com Sofware Brute Force MD5 : PasswordsPro - Operating System: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 - Developer: insidepro.com SAMInside - Operating System: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 - Developer: insidepro.com Extreme GPU Bruteforcer - Operating System: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 - Developer: insidepro.com World Fastest MD5 cracker BarsWF - Operating System: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 - Developer: http://3.14.by/en/md5 hashcat - Operating System: Linux, Windows XP/Vista/7 - Developer: hashcat.net/hashcat/ oclHashcat - Operating System: Linux, Windows XP/Vista/7 - Developer: hashcat.net John the Ripper - Operating System: Cross-platform - Developer : openwall.com Online Cracker MD5 : MD5 Hashkiller.com c0llision.net passcracking.com tmto.org md5decrypter.co.uk md5this.com bitdelivery.net crackfor.me ihteam.net md5.my-addr.com md5pass.info hashcrack.com generuj.pl authsecu.com md5decryption.com md5decrypter.com md5-db.de md5online.net hash-database.net web-security-services.com hash.toolz.in isc.sans.org md5-lookup.com gromweb.com noisette.ch crackfoo.nicenamecrew.com shell-storm.org askcheck.com hashcracking.com md5.net web-max.ca xanadrel.99k.org md5.com.cn hash-cracker.com bigtrapeze.com cloudcracker.net gat3way.eu vulnlabs.org tobtu.com cmd5hash.com onlinehashcrack.com freerainbowtables.com xdecrypt.com hax0r.in crackstation.net md5-decrypter.com netmd5crack.com xmd5.org SHA1: md5decrypter.co.uk hash.toolz.in isc.sans.org stringfunction.com md5-lookup.com crackfoo.nicenamecrew.com askcheck.com vulnlabs.org xdecrypt.com ICQ: hashkiller.com (405-701-776) <- md5 LM: lmcrack.com crackfoo.nicenamecrew.com bitdelivery.net NTLM: md5decrypter.co.uk bitdelivery.net traaad.org IRC: c0llision.net (#md5crack channel on ix.dal.net) Multi: hashkiller.com md5hashcracker.appspot.com hashchecker.de crackfor.me kalkulators.org hash-decrypt.com

 Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^

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