Multiplication And Division Operation
Formula of multiplication operations
The following is the formula on multiplication operations, including:For fractional numbers apply the formula:
Formula of division operation
The following is the formula on the division operation, including:Baca Juga
For fractional numbers apply the formula:
2 x 5 = 10
-4 x -3 = 12
60 : -5 = -12
-12 : -6 = 2
Properties of multiplication and division operations
The following are multiplication and division operations, among which are the following:- Commutative and associative applies also to multiplication operations, namely:
- Commutative, a x b = b x a
- Associative, (a x b) x c = a x (b x c)
- Has an element of identity / neutral element, that is 1
- Have multiplication inverse
Associative law multiplication
(5 x 7) x -2 = 5 x (7 x -2)
35 x -2 = 5 x -14
-70 = -70
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Referensi :
- To'Ali's book math group accounting and sales
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