Kumpulan Shortcut Key Untuk Windows 10
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Selamat siang semua.. Admin harap kalian dalam keadaan sehat, Amin.. Kali ini Admin mau membuatkan artikel lagi nih, kali ini judulnya "Kumpulan Shortcut Keys Untuk Windows 10", jadi untuk windows lainnya mungkin ada bedanya. Admin membuatkan artikel ini alasannya yakni kini banyak user yang sudah memakai Windows 10, namun terkadang masih kesulitan untuk menghemat waktu dalam memakai aplikasi dari Windows 10 ini, oleh alasannya yakni itu, untuk mempersingkat dan meng-efisiensi kerja dalam penggunaan Windows 10, Admin berinisiatif untuk share artikel ini. Nggak usah basa-basi lagi, silahkan dilihat atau kalo mau di copas silakan asalkan tolong kreditnya jangan di hapus.
Shortcut | Description |
Windows key | Open and close the Start menu. |
Switch to the desktop and launch the nth application in the taskbar. For example, | |
Open the action center. | |
Highlight the notification area. | |
Launch Cortana into listening mode.[1] Users can begin to speak to Cortana immediately. | |
Switch betweenShow Desktop (hides/shows any applications and other windows) and the previous state. | |
Switch to the desktop and launch FileExplorer with the Quick Accesstab displayed. | |
Open the Share | |
Open the Settings | |
Open the Connect pane to connect to wireless displays and audio devices. | |
Lock the device and go to the Lock screen. | |
Switch to the desktop and minimize all open windows. | |
Lock device orientation. | |
Open the Projectpane to search and connect to external displays and projectors. | |
Displaythe Run obrolan box. | |
Launch Cortana.[2] Users can begin to type a query immediately. | |
Cycle through the apps on the taskbar. | |
Launch the Ease of Access Center. | |
Cycle through notifications. | |
Open the advanced sajian in the lower-left corner of the screen. | |
Open the app-specific command bar. | |
Launch Narrator. | |
Switch input language and keyboard layout. | |
Open Task view. | |
Peek at the desktop. | |
Zoom in. | |
Zoom out. | |
Close Magnifier. | |
Dock the active window to the left half of the monitor. | |
Dock the active window to the right half of the monitor. | |
Maximize the active windowvertically and horizontally. | |
Restore or minimize the active window. | |
Maximize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width. | |
DOWN ARROW | Restore or minimize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width. |
With multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the left. | |
With multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the right. | |
Minimize all nonactive windows; restore on second keystroke. | |
Take a picture of the screen and place it in the Computer>Pictures>Screenshots folder. | |
Switch to the next or previous virtual desktop. | |
Create a new virtual desktop. | |
Close the current virtual desktop. | |
Launch the Windows Feedback App. |
[1] If Cortana is unavailable or disabled, this shortcut has no function.
[2]Cortana is only available in certain countries/regions, and some Cortana features might not be available everywhere. If Cortana is unavailable or disabled, this command opens Search.
Sumber : Microsoft
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Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
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