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Tips And Trick Of Learning For Passing Examination

Hy guys!!!!!.. How are u???.....
Do you ever feel fear when facing examination??..
I think every people in the world ever feel like that. Althought you always study hard every time, but no body is perfect in the world. Humans didn't never know something will happened in the future. But we as a human just can do and do again, then pray and pray again. 

This time i will talking or sharing about Tips and Trick of Learning for Passing Examination.
1. Praying
Praying is the action when we beg about something to our God. When we are prying consentrated or khusu so absolutely we are crying. Praying is the must importen for our physicology. After praying we certainly feel enjoy for doing anything. So what the relationship with the tips and triks???? the answer is when we pray before pass examination certainly we will fell enjoy, and the positive energy will always flow to our brain so possibelity we can pass the examination.

2. Attempted / Learning

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Attempt is very importent for past the examination. God criate human for attemping and for succesed god who the most know. We must study hard for facing the exam, because God is infinite justice that who human study hard than other human so he will graduate. So we must study harder if we want to pass the exam and reach the best value.

3. Surrender / Tawakal
Tawakal is circumstances bilieve 100% to God. When we finish the exam, don't think about anything!!!!... But bilieving God 100%. Becouse when we do it we will feel enjoy and not stress. When whe think postive, so God give me something positive also.

The conclusion that the key of passing examination is Praying, Attempted, and  Tawakal.
I wish anyone who will face examination can passing with perfect.

A little article from me and be useful.
The simpulan word wasalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Sumber http://matematikaakuntansi.blogspot.com

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