What Is The Future Of Iowa's Small Towns?
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Former Audubon County courthouse, Exira (Source: Wikimedia): county population has fallen from 8559 (1980) to 5578 (2017) |
Iowa developed as a predominantly agricultural economy. In 1890 it was the tenth-largest state in the Union, even without any large cities. (Des Moines' population that year was 50,093; Cedar Rapids had only 18,020.) Our two million residents were spread evenly across the state, with hundreds of small towns serving the surrounding farms with necessities, schools and gathering places. Changes in agriculture, transportation and commerce put that model away long ago: farms are now American Community Survey census of governments, transfers from the federal and state governments amount to 26 percent of county government revenue, 17 percent for cities, 21.6 percent for special districts, and 51.4 percent for school districts. But those numbers are not broken out by county, town, &c. What we can say for sure: The biggest items in the federal budget are Social Security, Medicare and defense. The former goes to individuals, predominantly elderly people who predominate in small towns and rural areas, so it's not surprising that the 52.1 percent of the state's population that lives in the ten urban-suburban counties receives only 46.9 percent of federal benefits to individuals, and 46.9 percent of federal awards. The biggest item in the state budget is education, which is going to follow the population as well. The state has not undertaken county consolidation, which has been batted about since I've lived in Iowa, so we have counties with less than 10,000 population which nevertheless receive government spending that accrues to (and maybe props up) county seats. Still, it must be hard to see the state allocate a paltry $1.3 million to expand broadband access while a single interchange on I-380 north of Cedar Rapids is going to run upwards of $20 million.
Cities have succeeded in this century--well, they're not all succeeding, but those that are succeeding are building on three factors: the advantages to firms of clusters of knowledge workers, social and cultural amenities that come with dense population, and broad attitudes of tolerance and inclusion. To those we should add better access in cities to mobile broadband as well as venture capital, as firms in those fields see a greater likelihood of returns on their investments where population is denser. That's why urban areas are growing and small towns and rural areas mostly are not. It's nothing sinister, and there's no point in being resentful. The young and hip will always command an outsize share of media attention, but we shouldn't let that affect a cold-eyed assessment of what's working for successful places.
Baca Juga
Em's Coffee Co., downtown Independence (pop. 6018, up 52 since 2010) |
But there's the rub, you see: all of that costs money. So do education, health care, and public institutions. The state of Iowa is not building fiscal capacity to make these sorts of public investments possible--quite the opposite, in fact, as the legislature annually delivers substantial tax cuts, and the governor dips into contingency funds to pay the bills. Menner would like to see someone at the state level designated as rural liaison-advocate, but in a state government run by Republicans elected on the strength of rural and small town votes, there already is that someone: the Governor, an acknowledged fan of "the real Iowa." Republicans at the state level, however, have decided to play culture war instead, producing bills to defund Planned Parenthood, kafe "sanctuary cities" (of which the state has zero), and ban abortions after six weeks one year after banning abortions after twenty weeks (for laws taking effect this year, see Murphy 2018). None of that helps rural counties out of the doldrums; nor does it help the cities that are the state's economic engines compete for talent.
Rural and small town Iowans, stop voting for policies that help you feel good, and start voting for policies that help you live well.
- Support Menner's group's advocacy for more state investment in your community, while recognizing that investment is not going to happen without tax revenue. Don't wait for the 1 percent, or urban residents, or the magic of supply-side economics, to produce a windfall, but be willing to pay for the services your community needs.
- While you're waiting for the state to act, improve your own capacity and attractiveness: Invest in human capital, specifically education and small business development, including the library and 4dukt education opportunities.
- Buy local, and avoid national big-box chains, whenever you possibly can; your money will stay in your community and help it grow.
- Take advantage of your assets, be they natural, existing institutions or fortuitous location; as Aaron Brown notes, recreation is a bigger industry now than agriculture or mining. And...
- Do whatever it takes to earn a reputation for openness. The next great idea might come from a Lesbian, or a Mexican immigrant, or a Muslim. If rural Iowa continues to be perceived as the last bastion of grumpy old white people, it will be irrelevant to the 21st century.
"Small Business and the Ideological Divide," 2 February 2018
"Condition of the State 2018," 10 January 2018
"Adam Smith and the Road to Correctionville," 8 March 2015 [by the way, I just found out the highway featured in this post was named to this list of top highway boondoggles of that year!]
SOURCES: I owe particular thanks to
- Dr. Liesl Eathington at Iowa State University's Iowa Community Indicators Program. She advised and guided me through the thicket of numbers on this subject. She is, of course, not liable for what I've done with them.
- Martin Smith, faithful reader and concerned citizen, who pointed out some errors in the original version of the statistical data.
Russell Arben Fox, "What Do Farmers Want?" In Media Res, 6 July 2018
Dan Gilmartin and Daniel J. Hurley, "https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/community_facts.xhtml
(2) U.S. Bureau of Economic Affairs, "Total Full-Time and Part-Time Employment by Industry (CA25, CA25N)," https://www.bea.gov/iTable/iTable.cfm?reqid=70&step=1&isuri=1&acrdn=3#
(3) Iowa Community Indicators Program, Iowa State University
(3) Iowa Community Indicators Program, Iowa State University
· “Educational Attainment of the Adult Population,” https://www.icip.iastate.edu/sites/default/files/uploads/tables/education/educational-attainment.xls
· “Population in Selected Age Groups,” https://www.icip.iastate.edu/tables/population/age-groups
(4) “Personal Current Transfer Receipts (CA35),” https://www.bea.gov/iTable/iTable.cfm?reqid=70&step=1&isuri=1&acrdn=3#
(5) USASpending.gov, “Iowa,” https://www.usaspending.gov/#/state/19
(5) USASpending.gov, “Iowa,” https://www.usaspending.gov/#/state/19
Ely (pop. 2150, up 369 since 2010) works with its proximity to Cedar Rapids and Iowa City |
Sumber http://brucefnesmith.blogspot.com
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