The Parents And Students Pre Top University Meeting
Hari / Tanggal | Saturday / 23 February 2019 |
Waktu | Time 11.00 – 12.30 |
Tempat | Wardaya College Ruko Sentra Bisnis Tanjung Duren Blok A no. 8, Jakarta Barat 11470 (near Central Park Mall) |
Pembicara | Anton Wardaya, M.Sc (Ph.D Candidate) |
Dress Code | Formal (There is session photo) |
Pendaftaran | |
We would like to say Congratulations to all of you, who are selected into Pre Top University Wardaya College.
Explaining about programs, rules and activities in Pre Top University Class so the students can achieve the goals, going to Top Universities in the World and getting Scholarship.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need further information.
Teh yaitu minuman yang mempunyai aroma dan rasa yang sangat nikmat. Tapi tahukah Anda apa saja manfaat minum teh secara rutin? Simak lebih lanjut di sini!
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