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Combination Probability In Maths

Combination is a technique that states many ways of constructing multiple objects of a group regardless of sequence. This means that if there is a different object in sequence, it will be considered the same object.

A. Combination formula

Information :
n = element n
r = element r

C = Combination

A.1 Problems example and answer of combination

Example :
In bulu tangkis pembinaan there are 10 men players and 8 female players. How many double pairs can be earned for men's doubles?


Because of the number of men's players there are 10 and chosen 2, then the number of ways there are:

B. Binomial Newton (Enrichment)

B.1 Binomial Newton Formula

Newton's binomial theorem can be formulated as follows:

An example of a newton's binomial question and answer

Determine the 4th term of (2x + 3y)6!


Just this article which I can share to you.
I apologize if there are wrong word on this article
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Reference :
  • The mathematics book of the high school class XI IPA program

Sumber http://matematikaakuntansi.blogspot.com

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