Eventually, We're Going To Have To Figure Out Immigration
I was missing a lively, young, technically-literate Democrat who could, with a few props, explain how electronic surveillance worked better to solve all of the problems attendant to illegal immigration. That would have provided a contrast to our President in so many ways. But, alas, that didn't happen in this universe. And where is the vision? Where is the equivalent of Martin Luther King's 1963 dream of interracial community? President Trump's immigration policy is so awful almost any alternative would be better, rather like every direction is south when you're at the North Pole. (The same could be said for his environmental policy.) Listening to wall advocates, you immediately wonder if they understand how the 21st century actually works, or if this is all about symbolic expression of--what? Hatred of Mexicans? Leaving one's mark in a sort-of permanent way? Add in the gratuitously cruel handling of refugees, including what amounted to kidnapping their children, and the utter unpreparedness of ICE and the Department of Homeland Security for implementing any of these policies, and you're left with the conclusion that the entire policy is fueled by malice. Ignorance, malice, and lack of resources--no wonder Pelosi and Schumer felt confident in asserting they could do it better. Baca JugaEventually, though, we're going to have to get specific. We're actually at a rather quiet phase of the immigration cycle, or would be were it not for President Trump's knack for creating chaos out of order. Overall immigration levels have recovered from the financial crisis era, but remain below long-term averages. The best estimates of undocumented persons as well as undocumented workers in the United States have them at their lowest levels in over a decade. Moreover, a sizable proportion of both groups have been in the U.S. more than 10 years; fewer are newly-arrived ("the best year in human history" because of worldwide progress against poverty, lack of access to education and premature death. May that progress continue! but if there are reversals that will increase the number of people in developing nations willing to take the risks involved in getting to America. And what of refugees, who the President has denigrated and horribly mistreated? As climate change accelerates, and basic resources become scarce in more places, the resulting instability and violence will produce refugee flows that will make those of the last few years seem like a Sunday in the park. Are we ready for that?
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