2 Types Of Data In Statistics
In statistics the data is divided into two types, such as:
1. Qualitative Data
Qualitative data is data that is not a form of numbers. Qualitative data have characteristics that can not be performed mathematical operations on the data. Leather data is divided into two parts, including:
1.1 Nominal Data
Nominal data are low data in data measurement level. Examples such as gender, date of an event, and birthplace of a person.
1.2 Ordinal Data
Ordinal data is data related to one's opinion. For example someone's opinion when states strongly agree, agree, disagree, disagree, and others.
2. Quantitative Data
Quantitative data is data in the form of numbers. Quantitative data can be mathematical operation. Quantitative data is divided into two, including:
2.1 Interval Data
Interval data is a data that has a range. Examples of this data are:
- Pretty hot if the temperature is between 50ºC - 80ºC
- Heat if the temperature is between 80ºC - 100ºC
- Very hot if the temperature is between 110ºC - 140ºC
2.2 Ratio Data
Ratio data is the data with the highest level of measurement. The ratio data is a number in the true sense. Differences with intervals that have a zero point in the real sense.
Just this article which I can share to you.
I apologize if there are wrong word on this article
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
Reference :
- Prof.Dr.Sudjana,MA,Msc, Tarsito, Metode Statistika, Edisi 6, Bandung
- Robert D Mason and Douglas A.Lind, T, Teknik Statistika for bussiness and economy, erlangga, Yogyakarta
- Lukas Setia Atmaja, Memahami Statistika Bisnis, Erlangga, Yogyakarta
Sumber http://matematikaakuntansi.blogspot.com
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